
„We should be asking when Russia will lose.“ Snyder and Musayeva met at Borders of (Un)Freedom conference


„We should be asking when Russia will lose.“ Snyder and Musayeva met at Borders of (Un)Freedom conference
Šéfredaktorka listu Ukrajinská pravda Sevgil Musajevová


“Freedom is closely linked to unpredictability,” said Yale Historian Timothy Snyder at a Prague conference titled Borders of (Un)Freedom. The conference, organized by Czech Radio and Václav Havel Library, began with live recordings of the podcasts Error of the System (Chyba systému), which focused on the growth of the far right, and To the East! and Rewrite History (Na Východ! a Přepište dějiny), which focused on the crushing of the Prague Spring.

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